Mike spent 20 years restoring classic cars in Northern Italy, and has a deep understanding for all things mechanical.
"I was working as a mechanic at a friends Ferrari workshop in London shortly after finishing Uni, when a chance meeting with the owner of a historic restoration firm in Italy led to the offer of a two week trial on the outskirts of Brescia. They said they would get back to me in a week or so however a job was offered the same day I returned to London, it was an incredible experience working with some very talented engineers on a range of extremely rare vehicles."
"I decided to relocate myself to Italy, and took the somewhat unorthodox decision to purchase an abandoned 7.5 Tonne horse transporter for a few hundred pounds to move my Fiat Strada Abarth and all my belongings to start a new life in Italy.
Having repaired the air brakes and the engine, I set about adapting the rear chassis and ramp to allow my 1986 Fiat Strada Abarth to be driven inside and secured safely as well as several cars worth of spare parts carefully itemised and stored incase of breakdown."
Mike has driven his Fiats all over Europe, pictured here entering Lisbon Portugal.
Driving across the Alps to Italy in the modified horse transporter.
Arriving at the workshop in Italy and ready to drive the Fiat out.
Mike pictured here at 17 years old restoring two Fiat Strada Abarth 130TC at the rear of his parents house in North London. Mike went on to own over 35 of these rare cars, started and runs the only UK owners club, and still owns three which form part of his own classic car collection.
"The early/mid 90's saw most of the cars I dreame
Mike pictured here at 17 years old restoring two Fiat Strada Abarth 130TC at the rear of his parents house in North London. Mike went on to own over 35 of these rare cars, started and runs the only UK owners club, and still owns three which form part of his own classic car collection.
"The early/mid 90's saw most of the cars I dreamed of as a kid hit rock bottom in terms of value, which for me was an amazing
time to be alive as I had an incredible array of fast and rusty Italian cars available to buy, restore and use.
Those pre-internet days required an early start to buy "THE LOOT" free ads paper (printed a different colour every day) frantically fumbling to the FIAT, ALFA ROMEO and LANCIA sections to bag something interesting"
"Fast Fiats Alfas and Lancias were dragged out of crumbling lock-ups, driveways and gardens across London and the home counties with teary eyed, "enthusiasts" handing over thick files of service history and photos of precious memories they had with the car before rust took hold, or mechanical woes forced them to lay the car up indefinitely"
Mike worked with legendary classic Lancia specialist Barry Waterhouse (EVO Engineering) in the early 2000's. Set under the railway arches in Camberwell, it was an incredible place with some great larger than life (and extremely talented) characters.. including Barry himself whose passion for Lancias especially the Integrale was contageous
Mike worked with legendary classic Lancia specialist Barry Waterhouse (EVO Engineering) in the early 2000's. Set under the railway arches in Camberwell, it was an incredible place with some great larger than life (and extremely talented) characters.. including Barry himself whose passion for Lancias especially the Integrale was contageous. This site in Camberwell is now home to flats since Barry passed away many years ago.
Wall to wall Delta Integrales.
A normal day in 2003 when Mike worked for legendary Lancia specialist Barry Waterhouse in Camberwell SE London.
Mikes own modified 130TC (red) with a clients grey car approaching completion after major works. This car sold through Matthewsons auction for a record breaking price and is one of the best in the UK.
Just some of the 300 or more Twincam Fiats Mike has owned over the last 30 years.
Mike enjoys building competition Fiat Twincam engines and has had several parts remade to his exacting specifications.
Mike competed on several tarmac road rallies in Italy with some impressive results. Picture showns when things do not go as planned.
Left: Running repairs carried on to the 130TC during a lunch break in Italy. Note Maserati Ghibli engine works underway and 3500GT on ramp awaiting parts.
Above: Touring Southern Italy in the Fiat was a lot of fun.